Monday, August 25, 2008

I am thankful for a lot of things. I have had some bad events happen in the last couple of years. Regardless of the outcome of those events, I am very thankful for my family and friends who have supported me through my grief and have continued to show me that there still can be things to look forward to in life. I have tried to keep my head held high through it all and when I have fallen, my friends and family have been there to help me back up. No one should go through life feeling alone, and I know for sure, I am not alone. No one can ever know when our last moments will be for sure, so I think everyone should be thankful for the moments with the ones they love and make sure every moment is lived to the fullest. Thank you to my Super 7 and family! You are all family to me and I couldn't stand tall with out you all!

(Christina, 22)

I am thankful for my working, healthy, beautiful body and all of the things it allows me to feel and do.I am thankful for my loving, caring family, bc they have dealt with me for my whole life and are still unfailingly present.I am thankful for having a person in my life who brings out the best and purges the worst of my personality and emotions.I am thankful that I am challenged to be better and forced to regain balance. I am thankful for forgiveness and amazing patience. I am thankful for becoming open to others in new ways. I am thankful for having the ability to make someone happier, and how doing that makes me also thankful for this blog:)(asya,22)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I'm actually thankful for all the adversities placed in my life because I feel that without them I would not know how to appreciate the blessing I receive every day. I have the world of things to be grateful for. I am here to see another day, I’m not sick, I can walk, talk, smell, see and touch. When you realize how many people cannot get out of their beds because of an illness that has controlled their body or someone who cannot walk hand in hand with a loved one, you come to the realization that your problems are minute and begin to see how fortunate and blessed you are. For the fact that I am a surrounded by wonderful friends and an amazing family I can't help but name myself blessed. I am so thankful for everything and everyone who told me I couldn't make it or I’m not good enough because it gives me a chance to show them how amazing God is as he uses me to defeat all odds......I am and forever will be thankful:)
(Natalya, 18)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I am thankful for each day, sometimes I dont like it or its outcome but I know it is an opportunity to do something positive. I am greatful to have had the opportunity to be around some amazing young people everyday. Over my career, some have turned out to be a very special,well each is special. Some just touch my soul a little more. I have been blessed to travel, I realize how incredibly fortunate I am. So many people have far less material items but live life to the fullest. It is humbling and something I need to do a better job. I pray that others can live a life as blessed as I have. The place I have worked and the opportuinities of very different kinds that have been presented. Wow! The Lord has done some amazing work, we just needto take time to enjoy it (speaking mostly to my self). It might be a person, place or opportunity. Finally, I am thankful for family It is so important. It has taken me30+ years to finally understand that. Seeing my brother getting married (sister and youngest brother doing so later this year) made me realize I haven't been a great son to my parents and have taken them for granted. (Fetzer)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

When I think about my life, past, present, and future I always am deep in thought because of what has happened to me in my life and because I have no idea where I am going to end up. My past has really contributed to who I am and where I am today. Sometimes I dwell on the past, and its at those moments where I do the most reflection. There are so many people struggling and suffering from famine, being impoverished, and that have no parents to call or go home to. So I have to be thankful for my life... GOD puts us through obstacles because he knows that we are stronger than we think ourselves to be. Remember the saying... GOD will never give you more than you can handle.... and that's a true statement. So as i wonder where I am going to be 10 years for now... I just hope that my life is set to where I can help people have the same opportunities that I did to be the best that I could/can possibly be. As for now, I am truly blessed to be living my life... (kbonty)