I am thankful for so many things -- Mostly for God providing a way out of no way, shining light on areas that seem so dark, and keeping me safe even when I didn't have the mental, physical or emotional capacity to do it for myself.
I am thankful for being loved by others and being able to give love to others. I am grateful for the smiles that spread across the faces of the people I love when they are happy. Their happiness is for all of us to share.
I am thankful for the lessons I have learned and the people who have taught me. I am thankful for the continuing opportunity to be stretched to new heights, depths and widths. Some learning is easy, some not so easy. It is often in our greatest moments of discomfort, embarrassment, and frustration that we learn the great lesson of humility. So, for those too, I am thankful.
I am thankful for our leaders -- all of them -- who have decided to be the face of bravery and courage.
And, finally, I am thankful for God's grace on my life -- It is because I have been forgiven so many times that I have learned to extend that same forgiveness and grace and love to others.